Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jackson Thomas Crose

We are so happy to introduce Jackson Thomas Crose!! He made his appearance on August 23, 2010 at 10:54 pm, weighing in at 7 lbs. 7 oz. and a whopping 20.5 inches long.

My labor was pretty easy until the last hour. They finally broke my water at 10:00 and my contractions really picked up! They started my epidural, but unfortunately just as the anesthesiologist was finishing placing it, I was ready to push. The docs asked me to please wait a few minutes to start pushing, as they had nothing set up! They rushed around and Jackson made his appearance about half an hour later!

To hear that beautiful cry was music to our ears! He is just perfect and I am amazed with him more and more each day. It's hard to put into words the enormous feelings you have for someone so itty-bitty! He is the center of our world and we wouldn't have it any other way:)

We look forward to you all meeting him!

Monday, August 23, 2010

He's on his way!!!!!!!

We are happy to report that Pistachio is on his way! He's started on his own, but they are giving me some Pitocin now to help things along. At this rate, we may get to meet this little guy tonight:) So far, I'm feeling pretty good, even having been at the hospital since six this morning.

Dad is very excited and can't wait to hold him:) He's been a great support and I can't imagine doing this without him by my side.

Go Team Crose!!!!

We'll post pictures soon!

Friday, August 20, 2010


I thought I would share some pics of the completed nursery. I'm very happy with the way it turned out. The last few days I've gone in and just rocked, imagining cuddling with my little guy soon:) We are so excited, we can hardly wait!!

We had our last (hopefully) monitoring today. Everything looks great and we're hoping this little guy is as ready as we are on Monday! We go into the hospital at 6 on Monday morning, the amnio is scheduled for 7:30, so we're hoping we can know what's happening by 10 or 11. We'll do our best to keep everyone updated!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Let the Countdown Begin!!!

We are within a week of meeting Mr. Pistachio!! (Fingers crossed) We can hardly believe it! Excitement, anticipation, those are just a few of the words I'll use to describe this week and our feelings.

We have, of course, been running around trying to tie up all the loose ends before he meets us. One of the big things was getting the crib fixed, for those of you who don't know, Griffin took a few bites out of it (I DO feed him when he's here!), so we've patched it and Matt painted it tonight. It looks great! I'm so excited to put the bedding on tomorrow, and then I think the nursery will be complete:)

We're going through our lists (checking them twice....), packing for the hospital, I think we've pretty much got everything covered. I have to say, Matt has been a saint these last few weeks, helping me with each and every whim, no matter how ridiculous he thinks it is:) I certainly couldn't have accomplished all I have without his help!

We had a terrific time with my whole family at the beach last week! I was able to relax and eat all sorts of goodies:) Matt went crabbing and golfing a few times. The only bummer was that we didn't see the sunshine until the day we left:( All in all, it was a great time, we can't wait to take Pistachio next year!

We'll try to keep everyone up-to-date next week with our progress. Hopefully we'll find out Monday morning he's so ready to meet his Mommy and Daddy, and everyone else, that we can go for it! As for keeping up after that, we'll have to see;)

Wish us luck! We can't wait for you all to meet this lil guy!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Yes, that's a TOMATO!!!!!

Just the girls:)

Matt's photography + Alex's beauty = great pictures!!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Beach Fun!!!!

This week we've been at the beach with all of my family. We really look forward to this trip each year and we're having such a great time! Pistachio has been so active this week, I've been saying he hears all the fun going on and is ready to come out and meet all of his relatives:) He wants to be a part of the action. I've really enjoyed being able to share our journey with everyone this week. They've been able to feel him kick and his hiccups (which he gets almost 3 times a day!).

We made a trip back to Portland today for our doctor appointments. Everything is looking good! My blood pressure is still nice and low and Pistachio is being such a good boy, practicing his breathing! The plan is still to do an amnio on Monday the 23rd, which is only 12 days away!! It's getting so close, we are counting down the minutes until we can meet this lil guy.

We're hoping everything goes as planned and he's ready to meet us on the 23rd. If everything looks good on Monday, Dr. Hatfield will induce us that day or Tuesday. I of course am hoping for a speedy delivery and hope to be holding Pistachio in my arms by Tuesday evening.

Hope everyone is enjoying the last part of our summer. We'll keep you all posted with our progress and hope to introduce Pistachio to you all soon!


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tummy Time :)

Tummy time for mommy, that is! Matt has taken some belly shots of Pistachio and I and I am so happy with how they turned out! Matt is really enjoying his new camera, getting everything figured out for when our lil man arrives!

We are another week closer to meeting lil Pistachio and get more and more excited by the day!! This little guy is now weighing in at about 5 lbs and is close to his birth length! This week we'll start Non-Stress Tests (NST) twice a week, which means we have to go up to the hospital and they'll monitor his heart rate in conjunction with his movement or any contractions I may have. This is just a precautionary measure, there is nothing to suggest this little guy isn't doing as well as he should be:)

We had quite a busy/fun/productive week! Ron and Alex were able to come up last Sunday and spend the week with us. Ron and Matt worked around the house, checking off many projects we wanted to complete before Pistachio arrives. Some projects went according to schedule, some not so much (I wouldn't suggest mentioning sprinkler system to Matt any time soon!) My week was a little easier, Alex and I spent time in the sun (at the lake and pool) and shopping! I had a blast with her and am glad I was able to help prepare her (fashion-wise) for her first year of high school:)

My mom joined us Friday, helped in the yard (which I'm am SO SO SO happy to report is FINISHED!!!!) and we ended our weekend with a klube fest. For those of you who don't know, klube is a Norwegian dish Ron's family is fond of, a potato dumpling served with LOTS of butter and salt. It was a great end to a great week!! We feel so fortunate to have such fantastic family!

As I write, Pistachio is kicking away and wants to let everyone know how excited he is to meet you all!!