Sunday, October 21, 2012

She's Coming, She's Coming!!!

Well, not now, but sooner than we thought. As it turns out, Wednesday works better for our doctor's schedule and with the hospital's schedule, so Wednesday it is! I've got my "reservation" for 8am and we'll go from there!

So, being the slightly compulsive person I am, we've been running errands, hanging curtains, cleaning, cleaning, oh, and cleaning! Trying to get everything checked off the list, which I know is an impossiblilty, but we can still try. (I know this is an imposibility because if we were able to cross every thing off, I would only add more, so really the list is never-ending.)

BUT, these being the last few days as a family of three, we also wanted to make sure and squeeze in some special family time. On Saturday morning we headed to the pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins. We had a great time, Jackson picked out the perfect pumpkin for himself and one for his new baby sister. He liked all the pumpkins, but he LOVED all the animals! He got to see calves and baby chicks.

We came home and got out our Halloween/Fall decorations, Jackson helped me decide where everything should go. I'd say we're as ready as we're going to be for Halloween and Thanksgiving. Hopefully we can manage to at least decorate our pumpkins this year, I don't think carving them is in the cards.....

Jackson also picked out a few special gifts to give his baby sister when she comes. He thought she would like a froggy rattle and some socks to keep warm on these chilly days! He says he's excited and ready for his little sister to come meet us. He asks me almost daily, "Mommy, baby come out?" I can't wait to see them together!

And I know I wasn't very good with the pictures during this pregnancy, but here's the last belly shot you'll probably see from this pregnancy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wordless(ish) Wednesday

This little boy is growing up right before my eyes. *tear* He is definitely ready to become a big brother in the next week!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


At the beginning of this pregnancy, I had intended on keeping a journal of sorts, something baby girl and I could look back on and remember, fondly or not, our experience together. I was going to take the monthly belly picture, but this time with fruit as a visual aid to get a good idea of her actual size as compared to my belly. Record the daily/weekly/monthly physical and emotional feelings.

Well, here we are approaching week 37, and I've failed miserably. I forgot to factor in my busy toddler into this equation. And I've realized it's only going to get busier once she's on the outside! So, I'll have to make a greater effort to document her life too. I love to share our experiences with everyone, but this blog is also a "baby/family book" for us to look back on. Like when my cousin's little guy, Charlie, revealed his four month stats, it was fun to look at how big Jackson was at that age!

Anyway, here's an update/recap of this pregnancy:

I've had a fairly easy pregnancy, no morning sickness, a little tired in the first trimester, some heartburn in this last trimester. And actually that's probably the hardest part of pregnancy for me, I have acid reflux pretty bad in the end and can't sleep, laying down anyway. So I have to be careful what I eat (no citrus, no fried food, no dairy-read: ice cream) especially late at night. And usually if I quit eating by about 7pm, I can lie down to go to sleep by 11. Not that this matters as much now, I'm getting up to use the bathroom at least every 3 hours!

She seems to have a good idea of night and day, I'm crossing my fingers this is true when she comes out too! She's very active in the morning, usually by about 7, on and off throughout the day, but seems to settle down after about 10:30. That's a schedule I can live with!

Things have gone really well this entire pregnancy. I've had a small amount of swelling in my feet/ankles the last month or so, but that's it. My blood pressure has been nice and low and everything else is just how it should be. I had an ultrasound about 2 and a half weeks ago and they estimated her size at that time to be about 6 lbs. 10 oz.! We've been doing our Non Stress Tests twice a week (which means I go to the hospital at least twice a week, sometimes 3). So, if everything goes as planned, I think this little girl will be making her appearance Friday, October 26th. That just happens to be her Grandpa's birthday too. We see our doctor on Thursday and will know more after that. I promise I'll share!