Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I forgot the TEETH!!

I can't believe I forgot to include this, but Jackson now has SEVEN teeth!!!! All four top teeth came in within about two and a half weeks. He also has the three on the bottom, and there's no sign of the fourth down there to even them out :)

I guess it's good that when one comes in so does another or another and another! Anyway, Mom's hoping this might be it in the teeth department for a while ;)

And as far as his 10 month pic goes, it was pretty hard to get him to sit still this month. He wanted to jump out of that chair, head first, so bad!! Made Mommy very nervous! He's definitely a mover and a shaker now!

Monday, June 27, 2011

10 Month Stats

Well, here we are, 10 MONTHS, I cannot believe it!!! My little baby is quickly becoming....well, not so much of a baby anymore. He's changing every single day! He can now "cruise" around furniture, he can even "walk" from one piece of furniture to the next (it has to be very close together).
He's growing and changing so fast, I can hardly keep up! And as you know, from my previous post, he wants to "walk" (aka: hold onto your fingers and make a run for it) ALL the time!!! This makes getting anything done quite difficult. If he's not up and walking, he's throwing a tantrum, which up to this point, I thought, "Wow, I'm sure lucky that my child doesn't really seem to have a temper," WRONG!!!!
Jackson last year:
Jackson this year:
And with all that, there are still so many changes!!

He now weighs 20 pounds.
I haven't measured him lately, but his 12 month jammies are reaching their limit.
He now knows how to spit and he likes to practice during mealtimes which = carrot covered mommy!
He said Ma Ma for the first time last Friday and he now repeats it frequently when he's mad.
This kid is a water baby! I knew he liked his baths, but in Hawaii he practically dove head first into the pool! (note: we should look into swimming lessons)
He is quickly becoming a little person who knows what he likes and what he doesn't, and let's you know!

I can hardly believe he has now lived outside of me longer than he lived inside (that seemed like forever!) He'll be a year old in less than two months!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Watch out World, Here comes Jackson!

As some of you may have heard, Jackson is mobile. He started crawling, or as I have been calling it, inch-worming on Saturday, thank-you-very-much Aunt Alex! She put her phone out in front of him and and he had to have it! So she moved the phone again and again, he inch-wormed after it again and again! Take a look:

He also logged many hours on his feet while we were in Hawaii. Everyone took turns holding his hands and letting him walk, and walk he did, he even ran for Griffin one time! The only problem now is, there are only two of us, and we just can't keep up with this boy! Try holding him and he immediately finds your fingers to let you know he's ready to move. This little guy is clearly tired of sitting in one spot.

So he's inch-worming and cruising around while holding your hand, we're just missing the step in between were he pulls himself up to walk. Hopefully that's not too far off because he absolutely doesn't want to sit or lay around any longer! Mommy needs a massage!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Da-Da's Day!

For Father's Day, I thought I'd share the four generations picture with all the boys. We took this back in April when Matt's Grandfather and Father were visiting. We got some really great photos of the Crose men!
And I'd like to say, Happy Father's Day to my amazing husband and the best Daddy we could wish for! It really does put a smile on my face to see the two of them together, and I guess I have to admit, they do look alike :)
As a special treat for Father's Day, Jackson began saying da-da-da-da on Friday. Just practicing for today, I guess :)

Happy Father's Day to all the great Fathers in our lives, especially Ron, the man who's been more than a Father to me, he's been a friend, cheerleader and pretty darn good fix-it guy!

**PS- I'm hoping to do a few posts this week as we have lots of new pictures to share from vacation and lots of exciting revelations to share ;) Stay tuned!!**

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Like Father, Like Son

OK, OK, I get it. Jackson looks like his daddy. Everyone, and I mean EVERY ONE, even strangers like to tell me how much my little boy looks like his daddy. It's a good thing his daddy is so handsome :)

So I thought we'd do a poll:

A) He looks EXACTLY like his daddy! (well except for the full head of hair and beard, he's working on that 'stach though!)
B) He looks like his daddy, but I see some mommy in there too!
C) What is wrong with these people, he looks like his mommy! (mommy with a mustache?)

Let me know what you think!