Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Hannah Avery!

Today Hannah would be one year old. This was a difficult day, but made easier with all the wonderful cards, flowers, phone calls and well wishes from the best set of family and friends anyone could ask for! We love and appreciate you all so much. It means the world that Hannah is loved and remembered by you all.

Matt and I spent the day together with our memories of Hannah. It always makes me feel closer to her to talk about her. It was a very peaceful day. We baked a cake for her, just like we would have if she were here.

The last year has been the most difficult of our lives. Some days it's still so hard to believe she isn't here with us. I often imagine her as she would be now, running around the house in her pigtails and looking up at me with what I'm sure were beautiful brown eyes. I also think of what a great big sister she would be. I am so grateful for Matt. He has really been my rock this year and has given me the strength and courage to move forward.

Alex wrote a poem that really touched us, and we would like to share it with all of you.

My Guardian Angel
You passed before we got to hold your precious hand,
Or look into your beautiful eyes,
Or see your smile.
You were taken away,
And we don't know why.
We don't think it's fair.
But in reality life isn't fair.
No one can ever take your place,
Or have the place in our heart the way you did.
I just want you to know I loved you,
I always will, forever.
Everyday I think about you.
I think what if,
But I just hope you're in a better place now.
I'm glad you didn't have to suffer.
I know you are my angel now.
And you will always be with me.
I love you Hannah.

We are very hopeful for all the things this year has to hold for us. We absolutely cannot wait to meet Pistachio! We are moving forward but are taking Hannah with us. We carry her in our hearts and are so thankful we had the nine months with her that we did. Mommy and Daddy love you, sweet Hannah bear!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Do I dare say spring is here?! It sure has seemed like it around here the last few weeks. We've really been trying to take advantage of it too! Matt's been golfing and I've been doing a little work in the yard and of course walking. We also take advantage every Monday and head to the park with Griffin, which he absolutely LOVES!!

I can hardly believe we are almost into the 16th week of this pregnancy! But as you can see, my belly definitely knows! Don't get me wrong, I'm happy it's moving along so quickly and smoothly. Pistachio is now the size of an apple and I can hardly wait until I can feel her/him move, which should be happening in the next few weeks.

We are looking forward to a weekend with my family, we always have a blast! Matt spent last weekend at a guys/golf/casino 30th birthday for our close friend Dave. I opted out of that one! But the first weekend in April I will be heading to Chicago to visit one of my best friends, Laurie! I am really looking forward to it, although I am a little worried about flying all alone!

We are happy to report that all four (can't forget Mags) of us are doing very well! Let's hope this weather continues!


Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hello Everyone!

We have decided to delve into the world of bogging! We thought it would be a great way to share our latest news with everyone. And to get this blog started right, we have BIG news!! We are very excited to announce we are expecting!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right, by the end of the summer we will be sleep-deprived but overjoyed mommy and daddy!! HOORAY!!!!!

So far, I've been feeling great just a little on the tired side. We've made it to the second trimester, which they say is the "easy" part. I've been trying to walk at least 3 to 4 times a week and have been doing prenatal pilates. I've decided to take a "Just Say NO!" stance to the donuts this pregnancy!

Matt has been a great support! Always offering to get me whatever I need and making sure I'm feeling my best. Call of Duty aside, he really is a great husband!

This blog will be our way of sharing our journey with our wonderfully supportive family and friends. This will be an extremely emotional pregnancy and while we are full of anticipation, we are also cautiously optimistic. We are using some discretion in who we tell about the pregnancy, sharing with family and close friends. For this reason, we prefer not to discuss the pregnancy in public domains such as facebook.

Here are some of the first pictures of the little being we affectionately refer to as "pistachio."

We hope everyone is doing well!