Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our 18 Month (Really?!?!) Old Little Man

It is so hard to believe this little man is 18 months old! He's changing so much, we can hardly keep up!

But here are the latest stats:
Height: 33 inches
Weight: 24 pounds
Words: Mama (for Mommy and Magnus), Gaga (Daddy), Go, Bye
Potties on the Potty: 1!!!!! Mom was definitely waaaaay more excited about this than he was.

He doesn't say NO yet, but his standard answer to any question is shaking his head NO.

The doctor said he looks great, right where he's supposed to be! Right on his way to refusing to eat vegetables, throwing himself on the floor and crying big crocodile tears when you tell him NO. I think we're on the fast track to the terrible two's!!

And probably our newest and biggest change has been from eating in our highchair to eating at the table in a booster with Mom and Dad. He definitely likes eating up at the table. He wants to use a plate and a fork and he's doing a pretty good job with it. He loves the booster so much, he even wants to eat all of his snacks at the table.

Our next hurdle, fazing out the binky...... (we said when we gave it to him when he was born, it would be gone by 8 months. And here we are at eighteen months. Oops!)

Really though, his little personality shines through more and more each day. I find myself constantly smiling, sure that he can't get any cuter. But then he does!

1 comment:

nicole. said...

I have good news and bad news... which do you want first?

Bad.... three is worse than two. Yes. It. Is.

Good? That bink. Just cut the plastic part off and give it to him. Worked wonders for Braeden... he said broken and literally tossed it in the trash by himself like a day later.

Good luck.