On the 10th we headed down to my parents' house for an extended visit. As I mentioned, Matt had a guys trip planned, so Jackson and I stayed with G&G and Auntie Alex (or Auntie Bob, as she is now referred, that's a post in and of itself for those of you who aren't familiar). What a GREAT time we had! It was so nice to really spend some quality time with them! We see them pretty often but it always seems like we've got something on the agenda so this time it was nice to be able to just hang out. Alex got her permit, (YIKES!) so Matt took her, or rather she took him, driving. She's doing a really great job. She also had her first formal high school dance. I helped her with her hair and makeup, she looked so beautiful. It made me want to go back to high school. (ok, maybe not!) We made it to the last of her basketball games. She's had a rough year in bb with injuries, so I'm glad she was healthy enough to play to finish the season.
And I guess Jackson didn't want Auntie Bob taking all the spot light, because he started rolling over (again) and sitting up! Put him on his tummy and he's on his back in two seconds flat! I know the sequence looks like he is rolling to get the ball, but he's actually rolling away. Sometimes he will see a toy he wants to get and he'll get about halfway when he realizes this will result in him being on his tummy, and he immediately rolls to his back! I guess he's just finally that fed up with tummy-time :)
He's getting so good at sitting by himself, too. The ball in the picture lights up and plays music and he just loves it. Sometimes he even sees his tootsies and likes to try and get a hold of them too. He still has to have pillows surrounding him because he does like to lurch backward without warning!

I'm so glad we were able to spend the week-and-more with them, I know Jackson loved it too.Daddy had a great time in Tahoe, they got TONS of snow, but boy was he ready to come home! Being away from Jackson was pretty hard on him, and Jackson and Mommy were so happy to see Daddy too!
G&G and Auntie Bob got so used to having toys scattered all over the house and being awakened at 3:00am, they had to come visit us in Portland this last weekend! Blair and Griffin (Ashely wasn't feeling well and we missed her) were able to come over and we all had such a good time together! Jackson is VERY interested in whatever Griffin is doing. I can hardly wait for the day these two little boys are running around playing together. I just know they'll be best buds. We really enjoyed having everyone here. We miss them all already and can't wait to see them again!
So February was a blur, March is shaping up to be pretty full too. Jackson keeps us on our toes and we are anxiously awaiting his next "trick!" I know I say it all the time, but we really do LOVE each and every moment with this little guy! It's almost unbelievable how someone so small can fill our entire lives with so much love.
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