I think he definitely hit a growth spurt last week, he weighed in at 12 lbs.!!! Of course, I can only weigh him by weighing myself and then adding him on, so it's not too precise, but it gives us an idea. We'll get an accurate weight in two weeks when we go for his 2 month well check (((Oh my gosh!! He's two months old already!?!))) What happened to my little baby?! I guess we all know the answer to that--he's growing into a strong little boy! I love those beautiful smiles he gives me and all his new expressions as he explores his surroundings, but I do find myself wistfully remembering those itty-bitty days! I know daddy is very excited for this new stage of "playing."

As I mentioned above, Jackson's has become quite the expressive little man! He gave mommy the greatest present ever on her birthday when he very purposefully smiled at me for the first time. It was enough to make my heart melt!! He's definitely got the smiles down and loves to look up at you while you talk to him. He'll talk to you every now and then, I can tell he puts a lot of thought into what he says:) I have also realized he loves being in his crib and hanging out with his friends (the bed in his room and the mobile above). He'll lay in there for three or four wind-ups (I think each wind-up is ten minutes or something like that) and kick and talk and smile! I tried to get one of these play-dates on record, but of course as soon as I brought the video camera in he just looked at me like, "Mom, I'm not going to perform....geesh!"

So, a day in the life of JT, sleeping, eating and now, **playing** and a day in the life of Matt and Niki, still a little sleep deprived but loving every single moment with our little man!!
That's what we like. Pictures and a little narrative. Nice job Niki.
Thanks for the update and keep them coming. We are Jackson deprived over here in Central Oregon.
That was the cutest darn video I've ever seen. And Happy Birthday Niki - a little late.
Aunt Cindy
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