Jackson had his 2 month well-check on Monday. He is GROWING!! He's now 12 lbs. 6 oz. and 24 inches long! That puts him in the 80th percentile for height and the 70th for weight. He is growing out of 0-3 months and moving right into 3-6, and he's not even three months yet! He also had to get 3 shots, which Mom was absolutely dreading, but he was a brave boy and it hardly fazed him! The pediatrician says Jackson looks great and is hitting milestones just as he should be. We'll go back in December for his 4 month check-up.

We are slowly, but surely getting the hang of this sleep thing. As I said in the last post, we are trying to stick to a bedtime routine, and I think it's working. Pretty consistently, Jackson sleeps four to five hour stretches, going down about 10 and waking at 2ish to eat and then again around 6 or 7. All in all, the Croses' are getting more and more rest:)
Last week was a travel week for us. Jackson made his first trip to the beach. We visited Grandma Susan in Manzanita and lucked out with the weather! It was a pretty nice few days, we even took Jackson down to the beach. He was so impressed, he slept through the whole thing! Even with the wind blowing, taking him out of the baby Bjorn and removing the binky, he just couldn't be bothered to wake up!

We then headed down for a fabulous weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's, celebrating Grandpa's 50th birthday!! We also made it to one of Alex's last volleyball games, it was their "Dig Pink" game for breast cancer. Alex had a great game and they won!!

We were also fortunate enough to take Griffin with us. Grandma was in heaven spending time with both Griffin and Jackson! We have missed having Griffin each week, so this was a great time for us to spend time with him too! He's becoming such a little man. I look forward to watching them growing up together and being best buds just like I am with my cousins! I wanted to get some Halloween pictures of the two of them, but that didn't work out so well.... Neither one of them really wanted to cooperate:( Maybe next year...

We are getting really excited for the holidays and seeing everyone! We did manage to make it to the pumpkin patch today and Jackson has about 5 different Halloween outfits that I will try to get pictures of to post. We tried on one costume yesterday and he was not a fan....so we'll see....
Happy Halloween!