Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

What a fabulous weekend we had! My parents and Alex were in town for the weekend and so were my grandparents. We were able to have a great Mother's Day brunch on Sunday with everyone, including Susan, Michael, Ashley and Griffin (Blair had to work). It was absolutely delicious! It was so great to spend time with the BEST moms we know!! And of course my heart ached for Hannah, but it was also full of hope and anticipation for Pistachio and all of the Mother's Days I'll be able to spend with him.

We also celebrated Griffin's 2nd birthday on Saturday. It's almost impossible to believe he's 2 already! He had a great time, was a little overwhelmed with all the gifts, but was very excited about each one. Ashley and Blair did such a great job with the decorations, a Cars theme complete with a race way into the house and a re-fueling station (the food). Ashley and I also made a car cake, which was a little nerve racking, but ended up turning out great in the end!

We are continually moving into the new office. We've got the basics set up and are figuring out what else we may need. We are all really enjoying having the space and are feeling very productive:)

For those of you who haven't heard, Matt and I are finally taking our honeymoon!! We leave for Hawaii a week from tomorrow. We'll spend 10 days on Maui soaking up the sun, sand and surf!! I cannot wait, although we had a nice weekend, the rain is back in Portland and I'm really looking forward to 10 days of uninterrupted sunshine (I hope!).

Pistachio is more and more active each day! I feel him moving throughout the day and night, which I LOVE!! Matt was also able to feel him for the first time last week, which was exciting. His closet is starting to fill up and we've decided on a theme for the nursery.

For now, Aloha!

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