Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's a BOY!!!!!!!!!

Today we had our anatomy scan and this little one, just like Hannah, wanted to make sure we knew right from the start he was a boy! We are both very excited to have a little boy and know he will add so much to our lives. I, of course, am doubly excited to redo the nursery and have an excuse to go crazy buying baby clothes! This little guy seems to be as active as Hannah was, although I'm not feeling him on a regular basis yet. The doc said he looks great and is growing just as he should be. All very good news!

Pistachio and I had a fabulous time visiting Laurie in Chicago! And man, when they say windy city, they mean it!! The weather was amazing, though. Sunny and between 70 and 80 degrees! I think I may have the start of a tan! Laurie showed me all around the city, we ate some delicious food, and even made it to a blues club! I also had a great time just catching up and am looking forward to visiting again.

Matt and Magnus survived without me, and amazingly, so did the house (ha ha!). They had a relaxing weekend together and I think were both glad to have me home:) Matt, the thoughtful husband he is, greeted me at the airport with a bunch of beautiful flowers and I came home to a house that was spotless! He knows me well!

We are anxiously awaiting the return of the sunshine here in Portland. We hope this finds everyone in good spirits and we look forward to seeing all of you sometime this summer!



Susan said...

This is great news!!! And they have such CUTE boy stuff now! I have a feeling this little guy is gonna be a firecracker. Watch out Mom and Dad!!!

Holly & Joey said...

I think you have a Duck athlete in the making! We are both so very happy for you four(Magnus is included of course)!

Grampy Crose said...

The father's son, Oh yes!
Watch out World. The dose of crose is just
the aperitif.

The Weeks Team said...

WOOT! So happy for you both!
Boys are so much fun, as you know from sweet Griffin!
Pistachio is going to be the best and sweetest lil' boy ever....
Not to mention, DUCK ATHLETE!!!!

Kara said...

Yay!! I gotta remember to check your blog more often, big news here!!