Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Do I dare say spring is here?! It sure has seemed like it around here the last few weeks. We've really been trying to take advantage of it too! Matt's been golfing and I've been doing a little work in the yard and of course walking. We also take advantage every Monday and head to the park with Griffin, which he absolutely LOVES!!

I can hardly believe we are almost into the 16th week of this pregnancy! But as you can see, my belly definitely knows! Don't get me wrong, I'm happy it's moving along so quickly and smoothly. Pistachio is now the size of an apple and I can hardly wait until I can feel her/him move, which should be happening in the next few weeks.

We are looking forward to a weekend with my family, we always have a blast! Matt spent last weekend at a guys/golf/casino 30th birthday for our close friend Dave. I opted out of that one! But the first weekend in April I will be heading to Chicago to visit one of my best friends, Laurie! I am really looking forward to it, although I am a little worried about flying all alone!

We are happy to report that all four (can't forget Mags) of us are doing very well! Let's hope this weather continues!


1 comment:

MarkCrose said...

Glad things are going so well and yes...it is Spring. In central Oregon you can tell because its 67 one day and snow covered the next.

Hope to get over there when we get back from Scottdale trip the first week of April.

Take good care of each other.
