Sunday, February 3, 2013

Miss Amelia

Ok, fast forward, and Amelia's 3 months old!!!! I can't believe my last post was 2 1/2 months ago. Time flies! We've been keeping busy, Amelia (and Jackson too) has been growing, I honestly can't believe she's 3 months old already.

She is really starting to show us who she is. She likes to "talk" to us, as Jackson says whenever she's making any noise. We get lots of big smiles now, especially right after she wakes up. I guess she's more of a morning person than her Mommy. :) She's really starting to become a little more independent too. She'll lay on her activity mat and watch the lights or sit in the exersaucer for a good 10-15 minutes.

But, she is definitely her own person. She is a very different baby than Jackson. She makes you work a little harder for those smiles and when she's mad, she doesn't waste any time letting you know! BUT, the biggest difference, so far, between these two is the fact Amelia sleeps 8 hours at night and Jackson didn't do that until he was 9 months old. I can't tell you what a difference it makes being able to get a good, solid, 6 to 7 hours of sleep a night! We're working on getting her to bed a little bit earlier, she doesn't really want to go down for the night until about midnight. But, Jackson sleeps until 7 or 8, sometimes even 8:30, and so it's working right now.

I feel like we are finally getting into a good routine. Which makes it easier for me to plan our days. Amelia is a pretty good sport about tagging along to playdates for Jackson. And he really looks forward to getting out of the house and playing with friends. He's getting to the age where he tells me he doesn't want to go home. "No, not yet, Mom." He's also my helper and has really taken his role as big brother seriously.

With all that said, there are still days we just can't get it together to make it out of the house. Sooooo, I plan to keep the blog updated, but I can't make any promises. I remember from Jackson, just as you think you've mastered one stage, they move into another and you're trying to figure the new quirks out! I do plan to go back and document many of the events I've missed, so it'll be a past and present kind of thing.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Two weeks old!

Amelia is two weeks old, hard to believe! We had her two week well-check today, and I thought I would share her stats. She's gained a whole pound since she was born! Up to 7 lbs. 15 oz. Which is actually an ounce more than Jackson weighed at his two week check! So, this confirms what we already knew, this little girl is a good eater!

She's 21 inches long, which means she grew 2 inches in the last two weeks, but the nurse figured she may have been measured incorrectly at birth. They want to stay curled in a little ball when they're born and so she said many babies are measured incorrectly. It's probably not likely that she grew two inches in two weeks. But, those are her official stats for two weeks.

She is a very easy baby so far. She is still sleeping like a champ. She wakes up about every three hours at night to eat and goes right back to sleep. But, she is starting to stay awake for longer periods and is more alert. Jackson loves it when she's awake, he gets a big grin on his face and says, "looking at me!" I love watching him interact with her!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wordless(ish) Wednesday

A lesson in the importance of exercising your right.
He's an Obama supporter, whenever he's on TV, Jackson points and says Obama. It's pretty cute!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Welcome, Amelia Nicole!

She's here. She's perfect. We have been enjoying her, which is why it's taken me so long to get around to this.

Here is the story of Amelia's birth:

We checked into the hospital at 8:00 am on Wednesday, October 24th, ready to meet our little girl. It was a little disappointing to find out that on the initial assessment, Amelia wasn't as ready to meet us. My body wasn't cooperating this time, like it had for Jackson's birth. With him when I went in to be induced, I was already 4 centimeters and 80% effaced.

So this time they started me with Misoprostol, a medication that softens the cervix. They started me with that at about 11:00 am and let it do it's job for the next four hours. Luckily, I had plenty of people to keep me company. Parents, Grandparents, friends, siblings, and of course my favorite little guy, Jackson. He spent most of the day up at the hospital with us and boy, was he a champ!

So when they checked me at 3:00 pm, I was about a 2.5 and they decided we could start Pitocin, which is what starts contractions. And from there things progressed very slooooowly :( By 8:00 pm I had only made it to about a 4 and so I decided I would get my Epidural and then let the doc break my water. I wanted to make sure and get the Epidural BEFORE they broke my water, if this was going to be anything like Jackson's birth, breaking my water meant labor would pick up and be much more painful.

I wasn't so sure this little girl was going to come on the 24th. I thought she was going to take her time and we probably wouldn't meet her until sometime in the morning on the 25th. But, just like with Jackson, after they broke my water, it took me about 2 hours to go from a 4 to complete and ready to push.

Having an Epidural that actually took effect before I began pushing made a huge difference in my experience. I feel like I don't remember too much of Jackson's birth because I was in so much pain, that was really all I could focus on, but with the Epidural I was much more focused on pushing and doing what I needed to, to meet my little girl.

And after about 30 minutes of pushing, Amelia Nicole was born. And there really are no words to describe meeting your baby for the first time. I was excited, overwhelmed, thankful, exhausted, but most of all, amazed at the wave of love and adoration that washed over me as soon as I saw her. She was a perfect 6 lbs. 15.5 ounces, 19 inches long.

She waited a good 20 to 30 minutes to let us hear her, which was a little nerve racking for Mom. But now she's found her voice and she definitely uses it when she needs to!

We are all doing good, adjusting to life as a family of four. I would say Jackson is transitioning like we thought he would. He's definitely testing a little more than normal and looking for some extra attention from Mommy. But he's been such a loving big brother to Amelia, giving her kisses, patting her head and holding her hand. He's also been a great help to Mom and Dad.

We are savoring every moment and enjoying being a family of four!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

She's Coming, She's Coming!!!

Well, not now, but sooner than we thought. As it turns out, Wednesday works better for our doctor's schedule and with the hospital's schedule, so Wednesday it is! I've got my "reservation" for 8am and we'll go from there!

So, being the slightly compulsive person I am, we've been running errands, hanging curtains, cleaning, cleaning, oh, and cleaning! Trying to get everything checked off the list, which I know is an impossiblilty, but we can still try. (I know this is an imposibility because if we were able to cross every thing off, I would only add more, so really the list is never-ending.)

BUT, these being the last few days as a family of three, we also wanted to make sure and squeeze in some special family time. On Saturday morning we headed to the pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins. We had a great time, Jackson picked out the perfect pumpkin for himself and one for his new baby sister. He liked all the pumpkins, but he LOVED all the animals! He got to see calves and baby chicks.

We came home and got out our Halloween/Fall decorations, Jackson helped me decide where everything should go. I'd say we're as ready as we're going to be for Halloween and Thanksgiving. Hopefully we can manage to at least decorate our pumpkins this year, I don't think carving them is in the cards.....

Jackson also picked out a few special gifts to give his baby sister when she comes. He thought she would like a froggy rattle and some socks to keep warm on these chilly days! He says he's excited and ready for his little sister to come meet us. He asks me almost daily, "Mommy, baby come out?" I can't wait to see them together!

And I know I wasn't very good with the pictures during this pregnancy, but here's the last belly shot you'll probably see from this pregnancy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wordless(ish) Wednesday

This little boy is growing up right before my eyes. *tear* He is definitely ready to become a big brother in the next week!