Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why I love summer

1.  The SUN. duh.
2.  Playing in water fountains with Jackson.
3.  BBQing with my boys.
4.  The smell of fresh cut grass.

 I could go on and on. I often wonder why I live in Oregon where it rains ten months of the year?

5.  Endless hours of daylight.
6.  My family's annual beach trip

Which is where we're headed Friday! Hooray! And it can't come fast enough. This family is in serious need of a vacation! I could blame my absence on summer, and that's definitely part of it, but we've been busy. Really busy. We started a small renovation (we're adding a bathroom), had a mountain of bark delivered, helped Ron (or was it Ron helping us?) add a built-in desk to our bedroom, all while shuffling back and forth between our house and a friend's we were house-sitting.

Whew! I'm tired!

So, this is just fair warning that Dose of Crose is on hiatus for at least the next week. But, when we return, watch out! I'll have lots to share :) Like, a new belly pic of this little lady growing, and constantly moving inside of me!

Hope everyone is having a terrific summer!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wordless(ish) Wednesday

Does this say urban hipster, or what?!
Seriously, this little guy cracks me up with his attitude! He puts those shades on and he walks the walk!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Summer. Sun. Softball.

Summer, which apparently doesn't start in Oregon anymore until July, is here. That bright orb in the sky that I've been waiting to see since last September is here again, thank goodness! Not a moment too soon, Jackson begs me everyday to go outside, and now, thankfully we do spend most days enjoying the sunshine. Whether it's at our Stroller Strides class, the park, the water fountain, or our very own backyard, we are loving the weather!
Summertime means bbqs, camping, and of course, SOFTBALL!! I'm not sure a summer would truly feel complete if there were no softball. Weekends of softball, softball and more softball. That's how we spent our last weekend, watching Alex and her softball team go UNDEFEATED and win the 16u Cooper Memorial!!!!!!!! The first tourney I think they've won, and to go undefeated was icing on the cake! Alex had some great plays and a couple of awesome hits! The team played really well all weekend and definitely deserved their trophy!

And while we were watching the girls steamroll their way to victory, Jackson was......, well being a boy I guess! Sitting in the dirt. Moving rocks. Taking a swing with the bats. Climbing on the bleachers, which he soon found out also made a good set of drums. He thoroughly enjoyed spending eight hours at the ball fields each day!

It was fitting that the girls won this tournament, as it was their last for the season. I'm not sure what we'll do with the rest of our summer........Oh wait, we've got a family beach trip, someone has a 2nd birthday just around the corner, and we some prepping to do for next November :) Never a dull moment at the Crose Casa!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer is here

And so are skinned knees :( Unfortunately, I think Jackson's poor little knees have had "ouchies" since we broke out the shorts, a few months ago. He gets so excited and his little feet just can't quite keep up with his big ideas!

When he gets a glimpse of those knees, he remembers that he has ouchies, and he'll tell you all about them. He is very aware of what it is to be injured. And he wants you to be aware to, he needs an acknowledgement. "Bump," when he bumps his head, "Tootsies," when he drops something on his toes. Usually a kiss and a hug is all it takes and his ouchie is all gone.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sunday, July 1, 2012

On the Road Again

We were on the road again last weekend. We headed to Boise, ID for my cousin, TJ's wedding. We had a really great time, the weather was perfect, and so was the wedding. A beautiful, rustic, heartfelt event. And it was great to see some family we don't get to see enough!

My little man in a tie, could he be any cuter?!

Jackson had a great time, meeting some of his second cousins. Brynlee is 2 1/2 and Miss Adelynn is 16 months. Two of the cutest little girls I know! Brynlee and Jackson hit the dance floor and didn't look back.

He had some fun with Mom  on the dance floor too!

And, of course, weddings always take you back to your own. Matt and I just celebrated four years! Hard to believe, I've been Mrs. Matthew Crose for that long! It used to be just the two of us, now soon to be four. I love the family we've built and am so excited to meet this little girl!