Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wordless(ish) Wednesday

I'm just going to start my resolutions now.

#1 Get my mail more than once every two weeks!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Recap

As most of you know, we get to enjoy TWO turkey dinners on Thanksgiving. We usually begin the day at Graunt Nancy and Gruncle Ken's and finish the day at G4's house. (That's Great Aunt Nancy and Great Uncle Ken and Great Grandma and Grandpa Garred.) We've just about got it down to a science now. We head over to Bush household around noonish for our first dinner, hang around until about two and then head for The Dalles (or really Dallesport, WA). We arrive just in time for the first round of leftovers. And then of course, a bit later (20 mins), dessert. Ahhhhh, time for bed!

We got to hang with the whole Foster clan at the Bushs', I'm so bummed we didn't get any pictures of Jackson and the girls, Sydney is 4 and Skylar is 2. I really love to see how Jackson interacts with other little people now. And in The Dalles, we had a houseful too, although no one from my immediate family was there with us :( Don't worry though, guys, I was representin' for the Craft/Wilkins clan! It was really nice to see my cousin Heidi, her husband Dwight and baby Harry (at least that's what their calling him while he's still on the inside). Heidi is due March 16th with a little boy and we could not be more excited!
Jackson also had a special treat on Thanksgiving, our cousin Lindsay's fabulous Tirarmisu. At first he wasn't too sure about it. But after a few nibbles he gobbled it all down and asked for more! Thanks, Lindsay!

Now I've got to hit the gym!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wordless(ish) Wednesday

I'm thankful for so many things, especially these two!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Turkey Time

Can't believe Thanksgiving is just a few short days away. And if we're planning a visit to your house for Thanksgiving, throw another pound of potatoes on! Our little boy is growing and sometimes I am absolutely amazed at how much he can eat!

I'm thinking maybe he's going through a growth spurt because he seems to be a bottomless pit and he's sleeping quite a bit too. This child will eat an ENTIRE half of a almond butter and jelly sandwich, half of a banana, 1/2 cup of corn, a string cheese and wash it all down with 8 oz. of milk! And if you think that's a lot for an (almost) 15 month old boy, he's ready to eat again in 2 hours.

We've had the pleasure of Griffin's company in the last week and in comparison, Jackson can eat at least DOUBLE what Griffin eats! These boys really almost couldn't be more opposite, from there appetites to their physical appearance. But they do love each other (most of the time)!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011


That's Dusting, Mopping, Laundry, for those of you unfamiliar. Yep, Jackson's trying to coin the next hot acronym and I think he might be onto something. :) He might look a lot like his Dad, but he definitely has some of his Mommy in there too, and this little guy loves housework.

He has become so helpful around the house. He wants to see everything you're doing and see what he can do to assist. Any time he gets his hands on any sort of cloth, he's wiping something! No matter where he is, he hears the dishwasher open and comes running. And let me tell you, this boy LOVES to vacuum. He once threw a tantrum in protest that we had nothing else to vacuum!

The term "help" is used loosely, of course, but he seems to be very interested in chores. I just wonder why they are so interested and "helpful" when they don't quite have to coordination, strength, or know-how to get the job done, but as they gain the necessary skills, they lose interest?

I hope Jackson doesn't lose his love of vacuuming because I would be just fine never vacuuming again!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy Halloween

I've had the intended on posting Halloween pictures, well, since Halloween. But, as some of you know, Jackson was sick on Halloween. Needless to say, he wasn't so into dressing up. So, we did get a few pictures that night and a few in the following days.

We had planned to head over and trick-or-treat with Blair, Ashley and Griffin. But, since our little ducky was sick, we just stayed in to hand out candy. To our FOUR trick-or-treaters. That's right, I said four. Technically, there were about 10, but only four groups. I think our street is a little intimidating, no street lights and we are one of the only houses that has a porch light on. Oh well, all that candy I had planned on Jackson getting for me, I had in leftovers at home!

 (It really is complicated)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wordless(ish) Wednesday

I'm not really sure this picture needs words :)