Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wordless(ish) Wednesday

I was trying to think of something clever and entertaining to put up today and Jackson gave me this. I should have known, he'd never let me down :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wordless(ish) Wednesday

A couple of my friends do this on their blogs and I didn't know if I could commit to a post each Wednesday, but I felt like this was the perfect photo to give it a try!

Jackson just couldn't decide on a movie.....

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I CANNOT believe I'm writing about Jackson's first birthday! It really doesn't seem like a year ago, at this time, he was still inside. It's amazing how someone so small can change your life so much. This has been a year filled with love, admiration, amazement, and a few challenges :) We wouldn't change ONE.THING. We love you, Jackson Thomas, more than you'll ever know!!

I'm so glad we've shared our journey with all of you. Here's a look back at the last year.

1. still on the inside
2. our 1st family picture
3. 1st computer lesson with Dad
4. 1st week
5. 1st bath with our beloved frog towel
6. 1st smile
7. 1st DUCK game (on TV)
8. 1st time Mom made you wear something you didn't like (probably not the last)
9. 1st time playing Santa
10. one of Mom's all-time favorite pictures
11. 1st drum set
12. 1st (and last) time Mom let you hold the bowl
13. another one of Mom's all-time favorites!
14. tongue-y
15. 1st car
16. 1st beach trip (on the outside)
17. 1st trip to the park where you wanted to do more than just eat wood chips

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Man on the Edge

Or verge, I guess I really should say. Jackson is getting pretty close to taking that first step! But in the mean time, he's found he can still get pretty much any where he wants to go. He just has to do it like a man scaling a building, which is why I refer to him as the man on the edge.
I think this is pretty hilarious. And if he really wants something, he can MOVE! He's been making his way around the house like this for about a month now and I have to say I think it's a crack up that now, when you hold his hand and he wants to walk straight forward, he sometimes turns to the side and side-steps as if he's walking on the wall!